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WordPress-kotisivut yritykselle itse tehden? Ei kannata! - Growly

WordPress websites for a company by doing it yourself? Not worth it!

Have you considered creating a WordPress website for your company yourself?

Mainly, this is not advisable, with one exception. We will tell you shortly why. In the article, we also explain how the cost of a WordPress website is formed and what you need to consider when planning to acquire or build your own website with WordPress.

When should a company's WordPress website be done in-house?

You should only create your company's WordPress website yourself if you are a novice entrepreneur with no extra money in the cash register and you need a website consisting of at most a couple of pages without any customized features or an online store.

Otherwise, it is advisable to outsource the creation of the website to a professional in the field. The reason for this is simple.

With WordPress, you can certainly create a website yourself, even if you don't have much technical expertise. The internet is full of guides on how to easily create a website yourself without prior experience or web development and coding skills.

However, even though creating WordPress websites for a company is entirely possible, it is generally not worth the effort.

Those who build WordPress websites themselves invariably encounter many different challenges and problems along the way, which theoretically shouldn't even arise when following the instructions. Yet, they just do. Solutions to these are then sought from various places, such as YouTube, discussion forums, and Facebook.

Sometimes the solution to a problem is simple, sometimes it is not, and fixing the issue may require several steps backward.

Ultimately, the process takes so much time that it is no longer reasonable in any way. It may also be that the website project is so badly stuck that professional help is sought anyway, either due to lack of expertise or patience.

During all this time, the entrepreneur could of course focus on their core business.

So, if you have an abundance of time and the desire to learn, you can very well create WordPress websites for your business yourself. However, be prepared for challenges (numerous challenges) both during the construction process and after the website's launch.

Let's talk more about this next.

For this reason, you should not create a WordPress website for your business

Creating a website involves much more than just piecing the site together, as the website must be able to communicate in the right way to potential customers.

Even if you manage to get WordPress websites to work somehow and look good on the surface, unfortunately, that is not enough.

If the technical implementation is not in order and the homepage does not provide the user with an excellent user experience, it cannot in any way convert potential into sales. At the same time, it is often difficult for the entrepreneur to attract visitors to the homepage and achieve natural, unpaid visibility on Google.

At this point, the entrepreneur often tries to cut corners by advertising the company in digital channels more and more.

However, it doesn't work because merely getting visitors to the homepage doesn't guarantee sales.

The purpose of the company's homepage is to engage potential customers with the product or service and convert potential into concrete actions, such as calls, booked appointments, completed contact forms, and sales.

If a self-made WordPress homepage cannot do this, no amount of traffic will bring sales to the register. What is the whole purpose of the homepage.

You can think of it as the company's homepage being like a 24/7 sales representative online. It is in the entrepreneur's best interest to ensure that they have sent their best salesperson to do the job. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to start.

This is the main reason why you should not create the company's WordPress website yourself.

Price of a WordPress website made by oneself

If you create WordPress websites for your company yourself, you will certainly save money, as there are no initial costs. At best, various fees, such as for a domain, web hosting, and for example, using Elementor, will only cost a few hundred annually, if not less.

Time is also money. Creating a website can take anywhere from a few days to weeks, months, and even over a year, depending on the size of the site and the starting level of the creator.

Sometimes a self-made homepage is built very quickly, but when encountering problems, it can be painfully slow.

The time spent creating a self-made WordPress website does not bother the entrepreneur nearly as much as the fact that the painstakingly built and finally ready-to-publish website does not yield any results.

Time passes and the entrepreneur sees that visitors come and go. Still, inquiries do not increase, nor does the company's cash register ring at the desired pace.

However, the same competitor seems to be doing well.

No wonder. When a competitor's website is faster, clearer, more beautiful, and overall a more functional entity than your own website, it is practically an invitation from you to your customer to buy from your competitor.

By using an expert to create your WordPress website, you ensure a high-quality, professional, and effective implementation for your business that serves your business goals from day one. This way, you won't lose a single customer to your competitor because your website isn't good enough.

The company's website should always primarily be viewed as an investment that will indeed pay for itself.

Cost of outsourcing a WordPress website

The cost of a WordPress website created by a professional usually ranges in the thousands, but websites can be obtained for as little as a few hundred.

However, it is advisable to approach the cheapest offers with caution.

If a website costs, for example, 400 euros, the creator probably doesn't spend much time on it.

This price often does not include multiple pages, customized functions, conversion optimization (optimizing the homepage to be as persuasive as possible), or even basic search engine optimization to make you visible on Google.

You will therefore have to do all this yourself afterwards or alternatively pay again, once or multiple times, to a professional in the field. A true professional is unlikely to even create websites this cheaply, so when purchasing a site for a few hundred, you cannot be sure of the outcome you will receive.

Conversely, the cost of a company's WordPress homepage can rise to tens of thousands if it is coded from start to finish.

If one does not know how to code, it is difficult or impossible for an entrepreneur to update a website built in this way. In such a situation, the help of the website creator may be needed for all changes, even small ones, such as updating content.

In the future, modifying and expanding a homepage, for example into an online store, will easily become at least as expensive as building the original page.

A fully coded homepage is therefore not necessarily a sensible or even possible option for all entrepreneurs.

A customized and unique homepage can also be created by utilizing existing technology, such as themes and plugins. Functions for which there are no ready-made solutions are coded. This way, creating a WordPress homepage remains as cost-effective as possible.

Growlyn websites combine modern solutions, allowing entrepreneurs to avoid unnecessary costs. By not reinventing the wheel and using ready-made, proven tools, entrepreneurs save time and money.

The homepage can also be easily managed by oneself without technical expertise or developer assistance.

In the future, making changes to a WordPress homepage is fundamentally worthwhile, and setting up an online store is extremely quick and easy.

Other factors affecting the homepage price

The price of a professional WordPress website is influenced by all the aforementioned factors, such as the number of pages, customized functions, search engine optimization, conversion optimization, the pricing level of the creator, as well as additional services like content production and brand design or just logo design, if they are not yet available.

Remember also the other services you need to keep your website running. Such services include, for example, domain, web hosting, and maintenance, which means updating the WordPress website and keeping it secure.

It is often worth comparing the prices of WordPress websites as well as the contents of offers, as there are differences. A high price does not always guarantee a quality result, so before accepting an offer, it would be good to familiarize yourself with the company's customer reviews and completed websites.

The price of Growly's homepage service always includes everything necessary, including conversion optimization and basic search engine optimization. We also offer training on using WordPress and updating the homepage content. We are happy to assist whenever questions arise.

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