– 159% growth through Google and Meta advertising

159% kasvua Google- ja Meta-mainonnan avulla

Growly Ltd has been implementing Meta advertising for the online store since the beginning of 2023, and now Google advertising has also been added to the marketing package, which has achieved significant growth.

Work Performed:

Google Advertising:
  • Designing and implementing targeted Google Ads campaigns.

  • Tracking results and continuous optimization of ads.

Meta Advertising:
  • Creating and managing effective Meta advertising campaigns, including Facebook and Instagram ads.

  • Tracking results and continuous optimization of ads.

Achieved Results:
  • Sales growth: 159% from the beginning of 2024 compared to 2023

    • Adding Google advertising to the service selection has brought significant sales growth.


The Google and Meta advertising services provided by Growly Ltd have been central to the sales growth of the online store. A 159% sales increase from the beginning of 2024 demonstrates that well-planned and executed digital advertising is an effective tool for growing a business. This case example highlights Growly Ltd's ability to produce significant results with diverse digital marketing expertise.