Mestarit Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy

Over 400 job applicants for Henkilöstömestarit through digital marketing

+400 työnhakijaa digimarkkinoinnilla

Mestarit Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy is a through-and-through construction industry staffing service that turned to us when they wanted to renew their brand and website appearance and accelerate recruitment.

In addition to just revamping the website, we sharpened the company's communication and created a strong employer brand, which together help the Mestarit to find and hire the right people for the right jobs faster.

During our ongoing collaboration, we have brought over 400 new job seekers to the Mestarit. The goals to acquire more temporary employees and to grow the business were exceeded with just a couple of months of marketing.


Mestarit Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy decided to contact us because the staffing service wanted to increase the number of its temporary workers and advance its business without unnecessary delay. 

We immediately embarked on updating the brand image and creating a strong employer brand, through which we repositioned the company and informed potential clients about the Mestarit's personality, values, and purpose. By sharpening the communication, we were able to create the desired image and help the staffing service to continue recruiting the right people for the right jobs quickly.

Since a strategically planned website is the core of sales and customer acquisition, we built a new site for the Champions fully serving the recruitment goal. We also focused on creating a user-friendly and visitor-directing structure for the site. Moreover, we installed interactive bots encouraging both job seekers and companies needing temporary workers to leave their contact information easily and effortlessly.

To make the website appear in the top results of search engines and to be as agile as possible, we performed comprehensive search engine optimization as well as speed optimization, and ensured that the site also operates flawlessly on mobile. Finally, we produced content for parts of the recruitment pages in collaboration with the staffing service, and we also started executing result-oriented advertising on Instagram, Facebook, and Google.


In just the first two months, we obtained a total of 240 job applications for the Mestarit, which greatly exceeds our jointly set goals.

We reached the interested people with successful Facebook and Instagram ads (128 applicants), through interactive bots installed on the site (67 applicants), and with high-quality keyword advertising (81 applicants). The social media ads we made reached more than 350,000 people in total.

In addition, the new site appears high in the organic search results of search engines, which means that potential clients find the Mestarit daily also without paid advertising.

Thanks to our comprehensive marketing, the Mestarit have been able to accelerate their recruitment, improve their competitiveness in the market, and significantly increase their business in a short period of time. Currently, the staffing service has 160 temporary workers in the field, and the company's turnover exceeds 8 million euros.

Our collaboration with the Mestarit continues in search engine optimization and digital advertising, with which we aim to further increase brand awareness and ensure that people apply for jobs whenever they are available.


"Excellent service, and skilled staff. Everything has always run on schedule! Thanks to the Growly team, you're top-notch"

– Timo Kallio, CEO and founder of Mestarit Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy