Kristian & Aleksander

We increased Kristian & Aleksander's traffic by 9900%

Kasvatimme liikennettä 9900 %

We increased Kristian & Aleksander's traffic by 9900% with search engine optimization

The design product online store Kristian & Aleksander was almost entirely dependent on digital advertising for traffic acquisition. Strategic and long-term search engine optimization was not the company's primary priority, and customers were directed to the site through advertising campaigns.

Growly set out to solve the problem of low organic traffic by systematically optimizing search engines for the web store. We started with a comprehensive keyword research, followed by speed optimization for the site in the following months, produced more content, and took care of internal linking.

Ordinarily, we would have further improved the site's technology and user experience, but since we built the web store ourselves, these factors had been considered during the design phase.


After six months of starting the SEO collaboration, we have been able to increase the web store's traffic consistently and significantly:

Traffic from Google has grown from nearly zero to about 1000 visitors per month (+9900%).

On the most important keywords, the web store appears on Google's front page in positions 1-3.

Customers find the web store without active advertising.

Web store traffic over 6 months:

Verkkokaupan hakukoneoptimointi

Keywords and their Google rankings before and after search engine optimization:

  • Used designer bags | Starting with no ranking - After 6 months ranking #1

  • Designer bags | Starting with no ranking - After 6 months ranking #2

  • Designer clothes | Starting with no ranking - After 6 months ranking #2

  • Gucci belt men | Starting at ranking #29 - After 6 months ranking #4

  • Designer sunglasses | Starting with no ranking - After 6 months ranking #4

  • Women's designer clothes | Starting at ranking #32 - After 6 months ranking #7

  • Chanel sunglasses | Starting at ranking #42 - After 6 months ranking #8

  • Men's designer clothes | Starting at ranking #60 - After 6 months ranking #8