Salaojamestarit Oy

We increased the number of contacts for Salaojamestarit fourfold

Lisäsimme yhteydenottojen määrää 4-kertaisesti

Drainage Masters is a construction company operating across Finland, specializing in the installation of drainage and rainwater systems.

While Drainage Masters is also well-known on social media, the construction company's website did not meet sales targets. When we started our cooperation with Drainage Masters, we developed a plan to achieve a new goal. Based on this, we built a new, conversion-optimized website and online store for the company.


When we realized that the previous website of Drainage Masters was not effectively driving sales, we contacted them directly. For example, the online store did not sell as efficiently as it could have.
We agreed on a meeting with the Drainage Masters management to discuss the current state of the website, new goals, and how to achieve them.
Eventually, we built an entirely new site and online store for Drainage Masters, selling fan merchandise.


Currently, over a year has passed in the development of the website and online store. In that time, sales in the online store have increased by over 400% and the number of contacts has grown fourfold.

"Big thanks to Growth Agency Growly for creating new homepages for Drainage Masters. Everything worked quickly and the communication was excellent, we received great ideas and the online store has also been doing well since the products and everything else are more visible. We are also getting more contacts through the website. I can recommend!"

- Jani Törmi, Drainage Masters